Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Tranquil Blue Sea

Trogir, Croatia
TROGIR, CROATIA The ancient town of Trogir is on a small island sandwiched between the mainland and another bigger island, Ciovo, 27 kilometers from Split. More than one person told me I must see it; indeed it's truly picturesque, crumbling, with a history dating back 2,300 years - first settled by the Greeks. I made the mandatory trek through the Old Town and Kamerlengo Castle, then took the bridge over to Ciovo Island, the sea was a tranquil blue, smooth as a mirror. A small cove on the far side allowed access to the sea off a few protruding rocks. As I arrived an older couple had just finished swiming and were laying out their towels on a little space at one end of the rocks. I kicked myself for not having brought my swimsuit and settled for sitting on a rock with my feet dangling in the water. After a few moments a man came down the rocky incline, inspected the water, stripped down to his briefs, and dove in. No one else showed up, so I bravely did the same, and for the next five hours swam, off and on, in this serenely peaceful secluded little cove. I must have forgotten or maybe had never truly experienced before what it's like to swim in placid salt water where it's almost possible to fall asleep floating on your back.